SERS-CoV-2 in Bangladesh

Version 0.1.0

Herd Immunity Analyses of the cases by the SIRD model

Forecasting SERS-CoV-2 in Bangladesh

Tabular representation of the forecasting for next 14 days

Date Confirmed Cases Recovered Cases Deaths Rt DT
2020-08-21 290359 172614 3861 0.89 84.0
2020-08-22 292624 175567 3906 0.8 90.0
2020-08-23 294868 178490 3952 0.78 91.0
2020-08-24 297096 181395 3997 0.79 93.0
2020-08-25 299310 184281 4042 0.83 94.0
2020-08-26 301510 187149 4087 0.86 95.0
2020-08-27 303696 189998 4131 0.89 97.0
2020-08-28 305868 192829 4176 0.91 98.0
2020-08-29 308025 195642 4219 0.92 99.0
2020-08-30 310169 198437 4263 0.93 101.0
2020-08-31 312299 201214 4306 0.94 102.0
2020-09-01 314415 203973 4349 0.94 103.0
2020-09-02 316517 206714 4392 0.94 105.0
2020-09-03 318606 209438 4434 0.95 106.0
Symbols: Rt -> Time varying reproduction number and DT -> Doubling times for confirmed cases.

Estimation of the Cases

The Rt and doubling times

The Positive Test Rate, Daily Tests and Confirmed Cases

Data source:

Last updated on 26 Oct 2019
Published on 23 Nov 2018
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